LitNet Eerste Slukkie | First Sip
Soos enige goeie drankie bekoor ’n goeie boek vanaf die eerste slukkie.
Like a good beverage, a good book holds promise from the first sip.
First sip: Lucky Bastard by Anthony Akerman
2024-12-05"What I didn’t know was that when I arrived in Amsterdam, Breyten was wandering around Hillbrow with a false French passport and the assumed identity of Christian Galaska."
First sip: The truth about Cape slavery by Patric Tariq Mellet
2024-12-04In The truth about Cape slavery, Patric Tariq Mellet argues that modern South Africa – its economy and politics – is shaped and established on the foundation of chattel slavery just like the United States of America. Cape slavery, rather than minor, was a crucial feature of maritime capitalism. This then moved to become the cornerstone of the Cape’s agricultural economy. Read an excerpt here.
Eerste slukkie: Het van Verlangekraal deur Leon van Nierop
2024-10-30"Hoe dikwels het sy nie onder die sterrehemel gestaan en haar vergaap aan al die sterre nie. ’n Paar keer het sy ’n ster sien verskiet, dan wens sy sy kan daardie ster wees wat met so ’n blink stert agterna die ewigheid inskiet. Sy het ook al vliegtuie dopgehou wat na verre stede reis. As sy maar net eendag op een van hulle kan wees."
First sip: One pot cookbook for South Africans by Louisa Holst
2024-08-01One pot is for anyone looking for quick-and-easy family supper solutions using economical, local ingredients. The book is ideal for busy people, families and young adults, as well as for weeknight meals and camping trips and has everything from cooking tips, soups, stir-fries, pasta and rice dishes, to batch cooking and sweet treats. Read a selection of recipes here.
Eerste slukkie: Platsak maak ’n plan deur Anneke Langner
2024-05-22LitNet publiseer uittreksels uit pasverskene boeke, uitgegee deur uitgewers wat LitNet ondersteun. Dié lusmakers verskyn op LitNet as eerste slukkies. Die uittreksel in hierdie artikel sal opvoeders wat hierdie boek vir voorlees in die klaskamer wil gebruik, ’n voorsmakie van die boek gee.
First sip: The Samsung man’s path to success by Sung Yoon
2023-04-24"Even as an entry-level associate, I enjoyed what I did. I was experiencing what it meant to love what you do."
Eerste slukkie: Die kontrak deur Erla-Mari Diedericks
2023-03-06"Die man is mooier as die sonsondergang. Nee. Hy is mooier as die sonsondergang, die jacuzzi én die bloue see."
First sip: Bamboozled by Melinda Ferguson
2022-09-29"Of course, on a greater soul-journey level, he is teaching me about abandonment, forcing me to deal with my deep childhood terror of facing the idea of 'the end' – of mortality. Of sharing my life with another. He is also training me to be alone. I am teaching him about communication, trust and forgiveness."
First sip: Across the border by Norman McFarlane
2022-09-07"Stupidly, most of us signed with excited, even feverish, anticipation. We were going to war, and we were going to kick the enemy’s collective arse. We’d been fed an undiluted diet of Swart Gevaar and Rooi Gevaar propaganda over the last few days and we were, we believed, invincible."
Eerste slukkie: Meer as jou seerkry deur Johannes de Villiers
2022-08-08"Tedeschi en Calhoun het hul navorsing onder ander getraumatiseerde groepe herhaal. Hulle het met oorlogsveterane, kankeroorlewendes en oudgevangenes gesels. Waar hulle posttraumatiese stresversteuring verwag het, het hulle keer op keer groei aangetref. In 1996 het hulle hul 'posttraumatic growth inventory' gepubliseer, ’n databasis van bevindings wat só omvattend was dat niemand dit meer kon ignoreer nie."
Eerste slukkie: "Die soldaat se vingerhoed wikkel en flits", ’n essay uit Tom Dreyer se Kodachrome, 90 flitse
2022-08-04"Die vingerhoed was ’n verrassing, en ek het sedertdien al ’n paar keer ’n soldaat in my geestesoog op een van daai klipmure sien sit, doenig met ’n bietjie naaldwerk voor ’n volgende inspeksie." Lees ’n uittreksel uit Tom Dreyer se bundel. Hier is ook inligting omtrent die boekbekendstelling by Protea-boekwinkel op Saterdagoggend 6 Augustus in Stellenbosch.
First sip: Bricks for chicks by Tanya Haffern
2022-08-02"Are new coffee shops, restaurants or shopping malls springing up in the area? Are homes being renovated? All these subtle signs of life will tell you that people are moving into the area and investing in it, believing it is the new place to be."
First sip: My journey to the top of the world by Saray Khumalo
2022-07-22"I certainly didn’t need a fancy brand of clothes or an expensive handbag. That realisation never left me. I had never been a status-conscious shopper, but my buying patterns changed permanently after that Everest trip. My philosophy is that I don’t need much, but I’ll spend money on what’s important."
First sip: Sabotage: Eskom under siege by Kyle Cowan
2022-07-21"I think that one of the negative consequences of affirmative action has been that we have tiptoed around this issue of performance. And it does a disservice to ambitious, competent, professional, intelligent hard-working black people, who want to be rewarded for who they are and what they do."
Eerste slukkie: So lyk ’n vrou ... deur Ilse Verster
2022-03-08"My hart breek. Bart kyk vir my in die truspieëltjie. Al my kindervrese is terug. Hoe gaan ek my en die seuns beskerm? Bart het geen selfbeheersing nie."
First sip: Becoming a doctor by Hloni Bookholane
2021-12-24"The first time I broke bad news to a real, live family it went horribly. If it were an OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) station, I would have failed."
Eerste slukkie: Elisabet se oorlog deur Helene de Kock
2021-10-06"Die suidoos slaag daarin om al die spinnerakke uit Elisabet se kop te waai. Dae nadat Johannes haar die volgende oggend nog bietjie stug plegtig met die hand gegroet het, voel sy lig en vry. Skoon gewoed deur ’n woeste binnewind."
Eerste slukkie: Renaldo Schwarp se Skeef
2021-09-29"Ek hoop dat hierdie mense se sigbaarheid ander sal inspireer om kasdeure oop te skop. Makliker gesê as gedaan, ek weet."
First sip: The ANC’s last decade by Ralph Mathekga
2021-09-08"Since the first democratic elections in 1994, no party has held on to the third position in consecutive elections. Smaller political parties have always alternated in this position. Because it has claimed this spot, the only way up for the EFF must be to depose the DA and become the official opposition."
Eerste slukkie: Annelien Pienaar se Vleis
2021-08-19LitNet publiseer uittreksels uit pasverskene boeke, uitgegee deur uitgewers wat LitNet ondersteun. Dié lusmakers verskyn as eerste slukkies.