Academic research

LitNet Akademies is LitNet's accredited academic journal. An extended English abstract is published with every article.

Nearpod as a medium for promoting active learning within a contact model in the higher education context

Chris-Mari Le Hanie, Jhani Pottas (Venter) Academic research 2025-02-14

"This study investigated how Nearpod could enhance active learning in a contact model in higher education. Sub-questions explored students’ experiences with Nearpod, its role in fostering active participation, its impact on teaching quality and learning effectiveness, and the challenges students faced."

An investigation into factors that continuously promote mathematics achievement in top performing secondary schools

Hendri Theron Academic research 2025-02-11

"This article explores the factors that contribute to continuous high performance in mathematics at top-performing secondary schools in the Motheo education district of the Free State, South Africa. This study aims to identify the key elements behind these schools’ success, offering potential insights for improving mathematics education more broadly."

The promotion of critical language awareness teaching in the Afrikaans classroom

Nadine Fouché-Karsten, Elize Vos Academic research 2025-02-10

"To address the gap regarding a reliance on CAPS guidelines, a reflective teaching practice should be implemented, in which teachers become self-directed learners and model the process for their learners, thereby promoting the development of learners’ critical thinking skills."

The abject mother in M.S. Burger’s Bloedfamilie (2012)

Frederick Botha Academic research 2025-02-06

"Although different forms of abjection emerge in Bloedfamilie, the narrator’s attempt to revolt against her mother is the most prominent. Aspects like the bodily, sexuality, violence and disease are encapsulated in the narrator’s association of her mother with the abject."

Strategies to develop life skills while Geography learners use ChatGPT-4o to interpret contour maps

Christina Johanna (Christa) van Staden Academic research 2025-02-04

"The rapidly changing 21st century requires learners to develop a set of life skills during education and training in order to be successful in future careers."

Press release: The 7th annual Amazwi Literature Heritage and Ecology Conference – call for papers

LitNet Books and writers 2025-01-30

The annual Literature, Heritage and Ecology Conference hosted by Amazwi South African Museum of Literature aims to foster cooperation and interaction between the humanities and the sciences and so help mitigate the social-ecological crises we face today.

A manifesto for musical modernism in South Africa: Stefans Grové’s 1952 articles in Standpunte

Willemien Froneman, Stephanus Muller Academic research 2025-01-30

"Grové explores the potential for creating a uniquely South African musical expression and critically reflects on the use of indigenous music in Western compositions. His perspectives highlight the complex relationship between racial segregation policies and the practice of musical primitivism, providing insights into how apartheid ideology influenced art music composition."

Rumi’s wine and intoxication metaphors

Elizabeth van der Berg Academic research 2025-01-28

"By emphasizing the relation between wine/intoxication and love in Sufi poetry, the 15th century Persian Sufi poet Jāmī offers a deep perspective on the poetic function of metaphoric imagery in Sufi poetry."

Press release: ’n Begin at the Market Theatre from 30 January to 16 February 2025

LitNet Lifestyle and entertainment 2025-01-27

Both comedic and tender, ’n Begin is a sharp and astute two-hander that takes an intimate look at the first fragile moments of risking your heart and taking a chance on love. The Market Theatre in association with the Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees, supported by NATi, is proud to bring this acclaimed Afrikaans production to Johannesburg from 30 January to 16 February 2025. 

Disability law: The South African position and historical course on the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Ilze Grobbelaar-du Plessis Academic research 2025-01-23

"Continued efforts are required to strengthen national monitoring mechanisms, and improve coordination with implementation to ensure the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of society."

Beyond dogmatism and scepticism: a critical perspective on the contribution of German Idealism towards a new metaphysics

Hercules Boshoff Academic research 2025-01-10

"Freedom and thinking are not separable entities, but co-responsible for bringing about a purposive reality. Freedom is a key concept throughout the course of German Idealism, binding causal reality to unconditional reason."

A Jungian and descriptive phenomenological analysis of synchronicities in equine-assisted psychotherapy

Carel van Wyk Academic research 2025-01-10

"Thus, the horse and the client’s space-time unite on a collective unconscious level due to the constellation of the psychoid archetype. The difference in space and time, and between matter and psyche, disappears [...] the client experiences equine-assisted psychotherapy synchronicity as a numinous moment because the supernatural is experienced."

Humans, animals and mythmaking in Dwaalpoort (2010) by Alexander Strachan

Andries Visagie Academic research 2025-01-07

"The ongoing tension over land ownership and the division between black and white in South African contemporary reality is transcended in the fictional framework of the novel but is shifted to the realm of myth with the animal as the guiding figure."

Combatting wildlife crime: an analysis of the South African environmental law framework

Inge Snyman Academic research 2025-01-07

"Several wildlife species in South Africa fall prey to wildlife crime daily. Therefore, the importance of combatting wildlife crime on national soil is increasingly emphasised."

Combatting wildlife crime: a legal-theoretical analysis of the activities, related crimes and role players

Inge Snyman Academic research 2025-01-07

"Wildlife crime is recognised as one of the most significant environmental crimes of our time. Environmental crimes arise from the deliberate violation of international and national environmental laws and regulations."

Kaaps is not here to cause destruction: The perspective of role players involved in Afrikaans teaching on the inclusion of "Kaapse Afrikaans" (Cape Afrikaans) idioms to advance the restandardisation of Afrikaans

Earl Basson Academic research 2025-01-03

"To begin to address the gaps identified in the aforementioned Afrikaans language textbooks, I designed and presented an original lesson series to role players involved in the teaching and learning of Afrikaans in order to determine what contribution the inclusion of Kaapse Afrikaans idioms in a lesson series could make to the democratisation of Afrikaans."

En route to clear standards and criteria for the assessment of the competence of student teachers as assessors

Geesje van den Berg, Hennart van Schalkwyk Academic research 2025-01-03

"This article, by nature an in-depth literature study, searches for deeper understanding of the phenomenon assessing the competence of student teachers as assessors using appropriate standards and criteria."

The translation of diverse Coloured women voices in Afrikaans poetry: a feminist approach

Hennely Nel Academic research 2024-12-11

"Furthermore, it is claimed that each poet addresses postcolonial feminist issues in the South African context in a unique and individual voice, which is a significant step towards the process of the decolonisation of Afrikaans literature [...]."

The mid-high front vowel /e/ of Bruinafrikaans

Daan Wissing Academic research 2024-12-09

"This article is part of a group of Bruinafrikaans (BA) studies, with the primary objective of determining and describing the acoustic quality of its vowels and determining the possibility of a homogeneous nature of this significant variety of Afrikaans."

The angel and monster myths in Reënboogrant tieners

Alana Lourens Academic research 2024-12-03

"The ongoing reliance on myths such as the monster and angel myths only perpetuates stereotypical, fixed and problematic ideas of femininity and women in society."
