Theatre columns, reviews and interviews
KKNK 2024: Goed wat wag om te gebeur
2024-04-08"Van belang is dat ons DNS kompleks is – daar is ongeveer drie miljard stukkies kode, of 1,5 gigagrepe inligting, in elke stukkie DNS in ons liggame. Kyk na die sterre en weet maar net, ons liggame bevat dalk meer stukkies inligting as wat daar sterre is."
KKNK 2024: Monsters
2024-04-08"Ons besef dat daardie kinders se komvandaan ’n belangrike deel was van hoe hulle so wreed kon wees."
KKNK 2024: Op die hoek van Styx en River is Nora per abuis met die dood oorgeslaan
2024-04-08"In verskillende kostuums en aksente oordonder Viviers dan die verhoog – tot die heerlike vermaak van die gehoor."
KKNK 2024: Vuisvoos, maar nog regop: Suid-Afrika 2024
2024-04-08"Hier staan Thamm op ’n openbare verhoog en sy klim met mening onder die regering en die lakeie van korrupsie in. Sy mag. Sy word toegelaat."
KKNK 2024: Patmos, ’n teaterresensie
2024-04-05"Is die bestuur van verhoudings nie ook soms soos die dophou van ’n gebeurtenishorison nie? Sê nou maar. Dalk gebeur iets aan die ander kant van ’n swartgat; dalk is die liefde iets wat weer kan ontstaan na die bloeddorstige einde van ’n vorige verhouding."
KKNK 2024-teaterresensie: Die stoele ontleed die absurditeit van belangrikheid eerlik
2024-04-04"Die stoele is ’n prominente prestasie en ’n stuk werk wat steeds resoneer met gehore vir sy insiggewende kommentaar op liefde, isolasie, kommunikasie, verlange en verspeelde kanse."
Masha-Allah! Ietsie mooi het innie Baxter gebeu
2024-04-04"Soe Masha-Allah Zubayr Charles. In every sense of the word, Masha-Allah indeed. God has willed it ennit staan nou op eie voet ready ommie wêrel yt sy slumber te ruk."
World Theatre Day 2024: Klara van Rooyen responds
2024-04-02"It is often said that South Africa does not have a theatre-going culture, so the day is a good tool to remind the public that theatre exists. I say this partly in jest, because performance and storytelling are part of our country’s cultural core and we are natural audience members (if we break away from stereotypical ideas of 'theatre')."
World Theatre Day 2024: Paul Kammies responds
2024-04-02"Live theatre is a moment to become silent and reflect on life; it’s a moment to peek into something you might not know; it’s a moment to relieve yourself from something that’s causing adversity, or even to confront it creatively."
World Theatre Day 2024: Jeani Heyns responds
2024-04-02"It’s difficult to talk about the status of South African theatre without sounding very cynical, but it is my opinion that many works that are actually really important and should be seen are often poorly attended and funded and therefore cannot gain traction or travel so that more audiences can see them."
World Theatre Day 2024: Jane Mpholo responds
2024-04-02"Even though it falls under the entertainment industry, theatre provokes discussions, teaches, and can be therapeutic. It takes a big team to get an idea into fruition. It takes a special team to leave an everlasting mark on someone’s life, be it visually or solely the performance aspect. Theatre moves."
World Theatre Day 2024: Ignus Rademeyer responds
2024-03-28"World Theatre Day, especially in South Africa, represents a day on which one can reflect on years of authentic storytelling and breaking barriers in a country blessed with diversity and cultural richness."
White rabbit, red rabbit: Onbekende teks ontgin en betrek op ongewone manier
2024-03-25"Stel jou dit voor: ’n Akteur arriveer by ’n fotografie-ateljee wat in ’n opskietteater omskep is. Hier wag 78 mense op houtbankies vir hom. Hy gaan ’n toneelstuk opvoer waarvan hy nie die teks ken nie, oor ’n onderwerp wat hy nog moet ontdek, en daar mag dalk gehoordeelname wees."
Persverklaring: Suidoosterfees 21 – hutspot van eg Kaapse musiek en stories
2024-03-18Kaapstad is reeds vir 21 jaar die Suidoosterfees se tuiste, en die fees vier sy mondigwording van 26 April tot 1 Mei by Artscape in die hart van die Moederstad. Stories, mites en die geskiedenis van die Kaap word met musiek en komedie vermeng op vanjaar se NATi Musiekteaterprogram, en feesgangers kan hulle verlustig in ’n kreatiewe herverbeelding van die stad se geskiedenis.
Press release: The South African premiere of Shakespeare’s Othello at the Baxter from 6 April to 4 May 2024
2024-03-18The South African premiere of Shakespeare’s Othello, adapted and directed by Lara Foot with a stellar cast and creatives, premieres at the Baxter on 6 April 2024. In this South African production, performed in English, isiXhosa and Afrikaans, Foot focuses on Othello’s inner life, wanting to add an African perspective, staging the play in several languages and relocates it to the time of German colonialism, to the time of the Herero uprising in German Southwest Africa, to present-day Namibia.
Press release: Fleur du Cap Theatre Awards winners celebrated at the Baxter
2024-03-18The winners of the 59th Fleur du Cap Theatre Awards, sponsored by Heineken Beverages, were announced at a glittering ceremony at the Baxter Theatre Centre in Rondebosch, Cape Town. Read the full list of winners here.
Persverklaring: Reünie met Frank Opperman en geskryf deur Dana Snyman | Die Boer-teater in Durbanville, 10–14 April 2024
2024-03-13Dit is dieselfde skoolsaal, maar 43 jaar later by die reünie van die 1980-matriekgroep. Adam Boshoff tree as verteller op, maar deur die loop van die aand kry verskeie klasmaats ’n beurt agter die mikrofoon om hul sê te sê. Lank terug het almal saam ’n tragedie beleef wat hulle nou vir die eerste keer regtig konfronteer. Dana Snyman en Frank Opperman snoer weer kragte saam – verwag dieselfde fyn spot, deernis en ’n tikkie nostalgie.
Persverklaring: Oudtshoorn-stories steel kollig by die 14de kykNET Fiëstas
2024-03-12Oudtshoorn-stories, soos in 2023 uitgebeeld in die KKNK se debuutdrama Droomkraan-kronieke, was die groot wenner tydens die 14de kykNET Fiëstas.
Q&A with writer and director of Mercy, Zubayr Charles
2024-03-12"A common discourse in Islamic and Cape Malay households here in Cape Town is the severe disdain projected onto those who place their parents in old-age homes. My goal with Mercy was to portray the subtle nuances and complexities as to why people make those decisions."
Press release: Cape Town Opera presents SHORTS: A festival of pocket operas at the Artscape Theatre from 11 to 21 April 2024
2024-03-11This autumn, Cape Town Opera will present SHORTS: A festival of pocket operas, a captivating series of concise operas at the Artscape Theatre from 11 to 21 April, 2024. This dynamic festival promises to be a celebration of operatic innovation and storytelling, including the world premiere of Conrad Asman’s Trial by media, a compelling new South African opera, Francis Poulenc’s La voix humaine, and Mozart’s comedic opera The impresario, presented in English.