Patriots & parasites: an interview
2017-03-29"As a woman of her time, as an Afrikaans person of her time, and even as an MP of her time, she never bent with the breeze – she was 'what the willow does to the wind'."

Stanzas No 4, a book review
2017-02-28"Stanzas is a vibrant and vital contribution to the local poetry scene. Any reader’s soul will delight in a subscription to the quarterly, which I can wholeheartedly recommend."

Book review: There's always tomorrow by Abner Nyamende
2016-11-08"The title of the novel refers to something that Gabashe is told by Madiba himself: 'There’s no time to spare. The time for suffering in the hands of an illegitimate government is now over. Our uniting slogan says there’s always tomorrow.'”

One day at The Star Soweto Literary Festival 2016
2016-08-26"Camaraderie. That is word which comes to mind when I think back to the one day I spent at the fabulous Soweto Theatre, attending the inaugural The Star Soweto Literary Festival."

Book review: Writing what we like: A new generation speaks, edited by Yolisa Qunta
2016-08-26"If there ever was a timely book, Writing what we like is definitely it. It is the brain child of Yolisa Qunta, who over the period of the past two years interviewed and collected essays written by her fellow young black South Africans for this remarkable publication."

Book review: The woman next door by Yewanda Omotoso
2016-06-06"Most importantly, Omotoso shows that life and love are rarely black and white. They are full of nuances and contradictions. We can be simultaneously kind and cruel, open and closed, warm and cold."

Of romance, rugby and refugees: intertwined at the inaugural Jewish Literary Festival in Cape Town
2016-05-25"Sunday, 22 May, one of those glorious winter days in Cape Town: all light and revelation. It wasn’t even 9 am, but the queue in front of the Gardens Community Centre in Hatfield Street looked overwhelming."

Review: Affluenza by Niq Mhlongo
2016-04-13"If you want to take the pulse of present-day South Africa, you can turn to his [Mhlongo's] work for insight."

Review: Mongrel - essays by William Dicey
2016-03-16"There is nothing quite as satisfying as an excellent personal essay, and William Dicey’s Mongrel contains six gems of the genre."

Book review: Letters of stone by Steven Robins
2016-02-29"Letters of stone is a monument to a story which refused to be forgotten."

Book review: Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
2016-02-22Harper Lee has died. Read the review of Go set a Watchman.

New writing: The break-up
2016-02-02"It was in this moment that I realised that I was missing something vital in this whole set-up. That there was a silence between us as well."

Book review: The seed thief by Jacqui L'Ange
2016-01-27"The Seed Thief is one of those rare books which deliver on all fronts and leave you completely satisfied."

"Your library is your soul": Reflecting on Kate Atkinson’s A God in Ruins
2016-01-19"A God in Ruins is many things. It is the story of a British family set against the historical background of the past century. It is a novel about war and its aftershocks. It is a fine inquiry into human nature. But above all, it is a declaration of love for literature, its power and its manifold mysteries."

Karina Magdalena Szczurek se woord van die jaar 2015
2015-12-02Wat is Karina Magdalena Szczurek se #litnetwoord2015?