New writing
Fiction and prose by established and emerging authors. Send your poetry or fiction to New Writing at to be considered for publication on LitNet.
Please note that work previously published in print or on any online media platform will not be considered for selection.
Along came the wind
2020-11-16"Thus the dead speak swift as the wind?
The chiming tunes,
The thumbing thunder that rolls,
smashing the hills in moments of grace."
Circles in the sand
2020-10-19"Where do you come from, little one
from the soil that births stone and cement
endlessly perfect control
souls searching for meaning."
2020-10-14"Thick candles enjoy the heat. Though their glow melts
those next to them, wax drips and widens
their feet – their foundations grow."
Night in Corona City
2020-10-08"In the beginning, we obeyed whatever they said. Everything we heard about this unknown virus was terrifying. How unstoppable it was. How it could leap from person to person like contagious lightning. How slim the chances were of surviving it. How horrible the death that resulted. The human race had no immunity ..."
LAW FOR ALL’s Top 10: "Breath of law" by Inga Ntantala
2020-10-06"In this world, each person is protected by an armour of rights, and all who infringe shall face the smite of justice for their transgression."
2020-09-08"The days, bursting with purpose,
now linger
between the hours
of empty sunrises"
Mma Africa
2020-09-03"Jy hoort by ’n wêreldkongres –
hervormer, strateeg, raadgewer, planmaker, volharder."
You are never to kill a snake
2020-08-27"Retreat, slowly, without turning around,
over the field, past the dam, past the baby cow crying in its pen"
Bible story
2020-08-14"Now, my Prince, I can hear your chariots
thundering towards the once sublime city
you left behind, and I tremble, my Prince"
LAW FOR ALL’s Top 10: "When justice meant the world had to stop, so Ayanda could dream" by Sumayya Mohamed
2020-08-14"And the people came together to lift South Africa up again. To love her again, appreciate her beauty and appreciate that they themselves were enough."
LAW FOR ALL’s Top 10: "Brave" by Monnica Rampine
2020-08-06"I hope you forgive me, Ma. I thought this was the only way to make the pain go away."
LAW FOR ALL’s Top 10: "Say something" by Harry Owen
2020-07-30"about Syria
Libya, Afghanistan
say something about Nairobi"
LAW FOR ALL’s Top 10: "Nqo" by Siyabulela Javu
Is anybody home?
I have been walking for 26 years"
Storm within
2020-07-08"Release the cables wound around
Your lungs so tight that not a sound
Of truly you can squeeze it through
To open up for all to view"
Tercet for Kieva
2020-07-06"at a delicate and fragile eighty
she still wears mascara
lavender and lace"
2020-07-02"Visions of soft, weeping rain drenching fynbos
A lonely, cold krantz echoing baboon and jackal"