
LitNet contributors voice their opinions about current affairs.

Waiting for water

Karen Jennings Opinion 2024-05-02

"I don’t have the answers or pretend that any of this is easy. Nor will I accept that the ANC inherited an immaculate country in 1994. There was a lot to address – many vast inequalities and systems which were already corrupt and unjust. But it is now 30 years later and there is no denying the fact that we should be much further along ..."

Journey from apartheid to freedom

Bhekisisa Mncube Opinion 2024-05-01

"Despite our country facing challenges such as crime, corruption and energy insecurity, our democracy is worth defending through our vote."

The dangers of the two-state solution

Eben Coetzee Opinion 2024-04-30

"My reservations have nothing to do with whether I support this or that party in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It also has nothing to do with the question of whether it is or is not the right thing to do to support the two-state solution. My question turns on the lesson imparted above, ie, 'And then what will happen?'"

A luta continua: fifty years since the Portuguese revolution fundamentally changed Africa

David Willers Opinion 2024-04-22

"Tens of thousands of civilians flooded into the streets – no one slept that night. Carnations were the flowers in season, and many of the soldiers 'planted' the long-stemmed flowers in their gun barrels – an image broadcast across the world."

Can the private sector help solve South Africa’s water crisis?

Chris Heymans Opinion 2024-04-17

"Widespread municipal corruption, management failures, poor skills and continual disruptions raise serious questions about the prospects of municipalities or other public bodies sustainably delivering better services. Meanwhile, National Treasury has often cited ineffective grant utilisation by municipalities as a key reason for why water finances have not reached local low-income groups."

The Israel-Gaza war – war or genocide?

Eben Coetzee Opinion 2024-04-16

"The word 'intent' is of paramount importance here."

Sudan: the forgotten disaster eclipsing Gaza

David Willers Opinion 2024-04-12

"This always seems to happen nowadays: When wars break out conveniently close and accessible to the world’s press, they get wall-to-wall coverage."

Deus ex machina: Animation, artists and solving the generative AI problem

Alex J Coyne, Suzannah WanderingStar Kunsmatige intelligensie | Artificial intelligence 2024-04-11

"One or two clicks could turn into Johnny Cash performing 'Barbie girl' or create a photograph of Steve Hofmeyr singing into a barbecue sausage."

Will South Africa also plead Taiwan’s cause? I doubt it, and here’s why

Eben Coetzee Opinion 2024-04-10

"South Africa’s foreign policy towards Israel and its war in Gaza should therefore not be seen in isolation, but as part of a broader framework in which the cause of the weak, marginalised and oppressed is apparently advocated."

Are we heading for a service delivery election? A water and sanitation perspective

Chris Heymans Opinion 2024-03-28

"Although water and sanitation service delivery is a local government function in South Africa, it will likely be – like electricity supply – much more prominent in voters’ minds in the upcoming May 2024 national and provincial elections. Voter frustrations about the state of these services recently have boiled over in numerous locations, and may well influence how people vote at national and provincial level."

Ethics and the rise of the hustler state | Etienne van Heerden Veldsoirée 2023

Pedro Tabensky Etienne van Heerden Veldsoirée 2024-03-12

In this video, he asks the viewer to consider how the hunger and humiliation of concentration camps forced individuals into unethical behaviour. Then he turns the spotlight to decades of poverty and humiliation in South Africa.

The South African Copyright Amendment Bill: Imagining how the CAB might affect musicians

Jonathan Shaw Opinion 2024-03-11

"Creators should be incentivised to keep making art, while at some point in time it should be enjoyed by the public at large so that new ideas can be expressed."

Seen elsewhere: Facebook remains a constant miracle in my life

Annelie Ferreira Opinion 2024-03-09

"If you’re lucky, once in a while a truly luminous soul will cross your path."

Who can save us from political demagogues? 

Mphuthumi Ntabeni Opinion 2024-03-07

"The future of our political direction depends on those with enough courage to venture out into something new and convince the majority of eligible voters, who are in a stupor due to political choice despair. My friend counts himself among these, whom he amusingly terms the 'electile dysfunctions'."

Kruger’s earring

David Willers Opinion 2024-03-06

"So, you can well imagine my absolute delight when a pristine, popular, illustrated account of the Boer War, which had lain unread in a Welsh attic for over 100 years, was gifted to me by a good friend recently. This contained the photo of Kruger proudly and romantically advertising his earring, like a latter day Raleigh, or Drake."

Goodbye and hello: Zimbabwean publishing future and past

Philani A Nyoni Opinion 2024-02-29

"The reign of these juggernauts was quite a golden age, but not without its problems."

Election 2024 – The DA’s rescue plan for South Africa: a review

Rory Riordan Opinion 2024-02-28

"Their concerns about diminishing state debt are well motivated and should be taken seriously, and their manifesto includes much of interest and many good ideas. But the last bolts need tightening, the final budget needs better costing, and they should give us, even if in appendices, much more detail about their thinking."

A year of elections, multiple challenges and choices

Jason Lloyd Opinion 2024-02-27

"Here, on the southern tip of Africa, political commentators, journalists, authors, philosophers, economists, thinkers and columnists unanimously agree that the 29 May 2024 election in South Africa will be a make-or-break event."

Election 2024: the Economic Freedom Fighters’ election manifesto

Rory Riordan Opinion 2024-02-20

"Thus, these many commitments are not commitments to study and then decide on action; they are clearly phrased as actions that have been decided on, and must now be seen through. We know where we are with the EFF."

The world at war: Choppy waters ahead

David Willers Opinion 2024-02-15

"It feels a bit unreal putting these words on paper, but a phantom is looming ever larger in the global consciousness. Something is definitely going on; turbulent daily news events describe geopolitical tensions of all sorts – military build-ups and diplomatic stand-offs."
