Enhancing democracy through higher education in a politically contentious landscape

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  • This article was recently published in Afrikaans on LitNet, as well.
The recently concluded elections in South Africa, marked by rancour and tension, revealed a widespread dissatisfaction among citizens regarding their quality of life over the past 30 years. The influence of social media has circulated diverse voices during this election season, often fuelling populist and identity-centric expressions.

The recently concluded elections in South Africa, marked by rancour and tension, revealed a widespread dissatisfaction among citizens regarding their quality of life over the past 30 years. The influence of social media has circulated diverse voices during this election season, often fuelling populist and identity-centric expressions.

Amid such a contentious political landscape, it is crucial to reflect on the course of democracy and citizenship, especially the role of higher education in fostering democratic values and processes and active democratic engagement regarding the future direction of our country.

Democracies are meant to exhibit resilience and be capable of adapting and rejuvenating themselves, even amid ongoing challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate instability and the evolving influence of artificial intelligence on behaviour. However, the erosion of political civility and mutual respect among competing factions and political interests directly threatens a functional democracy.

It is essential to acknowledge not only the hurdles these challenges present for South African democracy, but also the opportunities they offer for introducing innovative approaches to encourage democratic participation and fortify trust in democratic institutions.

To ensure the flourishing of South African democracy amid these challenges, institutions cannot simply operate in their current capacity; they must be rooted in democratic principles and actively contribute to fostering and preserving a democratic ethos. Institutions are vital to sustaining democracy and demanding continual protection, adaptation and improvement.

Higher education plays a pivotal role in determining what knowledge is acceptable. It typically emphasises advancements in the natural sciences and technology, while highlighting the importance of the humanities and social sciences. Universities also emphasise a broader mission to produce graduates who are prepared for the workforce and are equipped to address social disparities.

Higher education plays a pivotal role in determining what knowledge is acceptable. It typically emphasises advancements in the natural sciences and technology, while highlighting the importance of the humanities and social sciences. Universities also emphasise a broader mission to produce graduates who are prepared for the workforce and are equipped to address social disparities.

Crucially, graduates are anticipated to embody critical thinking skills, and so actively contribute to societal development and progress. Higher education plays a vital role in cultivating virtues such as respect, resilience, dignity, inclusivity and gender equality, thereby fostering a constructive platform for public discourse. Universities serve as a safeguard against crude, anti-democratic rhetoric.

Universities are challenged to undergo significant reforms to discharge their civic responsibilities effectively in a fractious democracy. These reforms include aligning their governance with democratic values, viewing higher education as an investment for the future rather than solely for economic gain, safeguarding academic freedom and fostering inclusive decision-making processes.

Furthermore, the research and scholarship produced by universities should serve the public good, inform policymaking and advance societal well-being. Public universities are pivotal to democratic societies and must therefore be sustained and strengthened as bastions of critical inquiry and societal advancement.

The primary threats to democracy emanate from assaults on electoral integrity, professional governance and judicial independence. Combating these threats is imperative. Education assumes a central role in promoting civility and a steadfast commitment to democratic principles and accountability. Universities should prioritise cultivating students’ and citizens’ critical thinking abilities to confront misinformation and fear and to scrutinise and challenge anti-democratic rhetoric and conduct.

Establishing trust and fostering communication among students and the broader community are indispensable. Guarding against ignorance enables academics and educators to address the underlying causes of democratic decline and go on to nurture an enlightened, discerning and engaged citizenry.

Ultimately, academics and educators wield significant influence in imparting knowledge and cultivating the critical thinking necessary for democratic engagement. Higher education should foster scepticism towards unfounded assertions and nurture a dedication to truth and reasoned public conversation, thereby safeguarding the future of democracy in this country and beyond.

Acknowledgement: This article draws some of its ideas from: Aly, A, Blackmore, J, Bright, D, Hayes, D, McKay, A, Lingard, B, Riddle, S, Takayamag, K, and Youdell, D (2022). “Reflections on how education can be for democracy in the twenty-first century. Journal of Educational Administration and History 54(3), 357–72. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220620.2022.2084052.

*Research professor in Higher Education Transformation, Department of Education Policy Studies, Stellenbosch University

 **Senior lecturer and HOD – Curriculum Development, Fundani Centre for Higher Education Development, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

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