Enhancing democracy through higher education in a politically contentious landscape
2024-06-05"Crucially, graduates are anticipated to embody critical thinking skills, and so actively contribute to societal development and progress. Higher education plays a vital role in cultivating virtues such as respect, resilience, dignity, inclusivity and gender equality, thereby fostering a constructive platform for public discourse. Universities serve as a safeguard against crude, anti-democratic rhetoric."
Hoër onderwys en die uitbou van demokrasie te midde van ’n polities omstrede landskap
2024-05-31"Die onlangs afgehandelde verkiesing in Suid-Afrika, gekenmerk deur tweespalt en spanning, het ’n wydverspreide ontevredenheid onder burgers oor hul lewenskwaliteit oor die afgelope 30 jaar geopenbaar. Te midde van so ’n omstrede politieke landskap is dit van kardinale belang om te besin oor die verloop van demokrasie en burgerskap, veral die rol van hoër onderwys in die bevordering van demokratiese waardes ..."
’n Huldeblyk ter ere van Elmarie Costandius se transformasiewerk by die Universiteit Stellenbosch
2024-04-15"Elmarie is ’n voorbeeld van ’n uitdagende reis om vriendskappe en genootskap te vestig. Sy het respek vir ander se perspektiewe getoon deur aktiewe luister, ’n gewilligheid om te leer en aan te pas en die bevordering van betekenisvolle verhoudings te prioritiseer. Haar voorbeeld beliggaam ’n kombinasie van waardigheid en praktiese transformasiewerk."
Russel Botman’s ethical legacy calls forth a time yet to come
2023-11-20"Russel asked how we might create an embracing, inclusive time horizon, irrespective of personal consequences, out of which we could serve humanity. Russel gifted us a type of human enfolding, based on recognition, intimacy and conviviality, a legacy for human and planetary co-existence."
Race and Transformation in Higher Education Conference raises crucial themes in pursuit of Stellenbosch University’s transformation journey
2022-11-25"Attended by 150 persons from various regional and international universities, as well as participants from civil society, the conference occurred in the wake of the release of the Khampepe Report, which highlights, among other things, the lived experiences particularly of students and staff of colour at SU."
A comment on Peter Kallaway’s book titled The changing face of colonial education in Africa
2021-11-11"This book allows one to understand how the arbitrary discourses of colonial subjugation and racial repression changed and took on new grammars of human degradation and regression."
Wat behoort die benadering teenoor godsdiens in skole te wees?
2021-10-01"Skoolhoofde, skoolbeheerliggame en onderwysers word dus uitgedaag om ’n ruim en inklusiewe godsdienstige benadering te implementeer. Tog is dit presies waar skole sukkel."
The role of linguistic capital in the educational processes of rural high school learners
2021-02-16"How do learners use their linguistic capital to navigate their educational processes at a school in the Northern Cape? Data were gathered through in-depth semi-structured interviews held with two learners from Namibia, an Ovambo-speaking male learner and a Damara-Nama-speaking female learner."
Die rol van linguistiese kapitaal in plattelandse hoërskoolleerders se opvoedkundige prosesse
2021-02-16"In hierdie artikel fokus ons op twee leerders se vermoë om hul linguistiese kapitaal in die konteks van hul opvoeding so aan te wend dat dit ’n bydrae tot hul opvoedkundige prosesse kan lewer."
Review: Decolonising schools in South Africa: The impossible dream? by Pam Christie
2020-07-29"Pam Christie’s entire career’s work shines a bright light on our educational fault lines, and now, with this book, she invites us into the decolonial space, which is an impossible space to embrace – maddeningly impossible – yet one which must be occupied and rendered pedagogical."
“In the belly of the beast”: South Africa’s education discourses associated with the fourth industrial revolution (4IR)
2019-11-06"An emphasis on the transfer of generic skills is rapidly becoming a core foundation of education policy, curriculum and pedagogy. The emerging 4IR knower is touted as a future-proof knower."
(How) can decoloniality inform "educational (curriculum) knowledge" selection?
2018-11-01"The call for decolonising education is thus nothing less than the full incorporation of all of humanity’s knowledge systems, past and present, and in anticipation of future knowledge constellations, into the knowledge selection systems of universities."
Omskep ’n skool in ’n ware lugkasteel – en kweek verbeeldingryke leerders: ’n onderhoud
2018-06-13"Dit is ons doel om deur middel van ons artikel ruimte as ’n kragtige stuk gereedskap aan ons lesers bekend te stel en deur middel van die omskepping van dooie fisiese ruimtes in uitnodigende, inspirerende en kreatiewe leeromgewings ons land se leerderprestasie te help verbeter."
The leadership practices of school principals in respect of creating “physical spaces” to establish healthy learning environments in their schools
2018-05-29"They possess an extraordinary ability to visualise and articulate the emergence of inspirational and creative learning spaces and, with the support of others, turn their schools into accomplished learning environments."
Skoolhoofde se leierskapspraktyke wat betrekking het op die skep van “fisiese ruimtes” om gesonde leeromgewings by hul skole te vestig
2018-05-29"Leeromgewings speel ’n belangrike rol in leerderprestasies, en skoolhoofde wat oor transformerende leierskapseienskappe besit, is in ’n gunstiger posisie as ander skoolhoofde om deur middel van hul eiesoortige leierskaps- en ruimtelike praktyke produktiewe fisiese leerruimtes of leeromgewings te skep om hul opvoeders en leerders se gemoed en gedrag positief te beïnvloed."