Books and writers
Information about the latest books and the people behind them
In conversation with Eloghosa Osunde about Vagabonds!
2024-09-12Mphuthumi Ntabeni read Vagabonds! by Eloghosa Osunde and interviewed them about the novel while attending the Open Book Festival in Cape Town. The two authors discuss the spirit of Lagos and other cities like Johannesburg and Cape Town, the invisibility of working classes, the tension between African and Western belief systems, and the lives of fictional characters.
The book of elsewhere deur Keanu Reeves en China Miéville: ’n resensie
2024-09-11"Unute lyk, soos in die grafiese verhale, fisies soos Reeves. Maar die filosofiese beskouing oor moraliteit en verganklikheid, dit is Miéville op sy manjifieke beste. Saam sorg hulle vir ’n kragtoer en ’n leeservaring wat my lank gaan bybly."
Invitation: Skrywersaand at Oude Leeskamer with Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu, 12 September 2024
2024-09-11Jonathan Amid will be in conversation with Siphiwe Gloria Ndluvu on her African gothic novel The creation of half-broken people at Oude Leeskamer on 12 September at 18:00 as part of the Skrywersaand series of book discussions.
Washing by hand: a brief look at Cape laundry since the 17th century
2024-09-05"Reading about this aspect of Cape history formed part of the inspiration for a recent short story of mine, a work of flash fiction, which is about a young woman and her grandmother, and their different approaches to doing laundry, particularly their underwear. While ostensibly about panties (as the story is titled), it is also about our country’s long and difficult history, about ourselves and about memory."
Fresh off the press: Nomad heart by Ian Roberts
2024-09-04Actor and musician Ian Roberts is something of a South African icon, renowned for his roles as the rugged Boer fighter Sloet Steenkamp in the TV series Arende and as Boet in the immortal and immensely popular Castrol advertisements. In this book he looks back on his long and illustrious career in which he became known for having a flair for languages and acting from the gut.
Press release: Commonwealth Short Story Prize opens for entries as panel of judges announced
2024-09-02The Commonwealth Short Story Prize is now open and we will be accepting entries until 1 November 2024. Now in its thirteenth year, the prize is awarded for the best piece of unpublished short fiction (2 000–5 000 words). In addition to English, submissions are accepted in Bengali, Chinese, Creole, French, Greek, Malay, Maltese, Portuguese, Samoan, Swahili, Tamil, and Turkish. Stories that have been translated into English from any language are also accepted and the translator of any story that wins (regional or overall) also receives prize money.
Midlands Literary Festival 2024: an interview with Darryl David
2024-08-29"What makes this festival so special is how the community have come out and supported us."
Winner of the Ingrid Jonker Prize for 2024
2024-08-28"On behalf of the Ingrid Jonker Prize Committee, I wish to announce ... the winner for 2024 ..."
Fresh off the press: Act and advance! by Enrico G Pedro
2024-08-27Act and advance! is Pedro’s contribution to filling the void about the events that led to the protests at UWC. He follows in detail the lead-up to the developments at the university, the actions and activities of the students and their outcomes.
Press release: The McGregor Poetry Festival celebrates 12 years
2024-08-23We invite you to join us for a warmhearted gathering of poets from 6 to 8 September 2024. Themed “Towards a wonderful world”, the festival seeks to instill a sense of hope and beauty, through poetry, into our turbulent world. As with all our previous festivals, the caliber of work will be exemplary and you’ll again hear Die Mengelmoes Digters – Theresa Carstens, Diana Ferrus, Fiona Fertyn, Gaireyah Fredericks, Naidene Lottering, Sophia Oliphant and Jadrick Pedro.
James by Percival Everett: a book review
2024-08-23"Percival is the kind of writer that first disarms the reader with humour before painting the horrors of American life, on which modern Western culture is premised. Humour is the modus operandi of his narrative style. His books are tragicomedies with depth."
Invitation: Book launch of The truth about Cape slavery by Patric Tariq Mellet – 2 September 2024, Cape Town
2024-08-21Clarence Ford will be in conversation with Patric Tariq Mellet about his new book, The truth about Cape slavery, on Monday, 2 September 2024 at 17:30 for 18:00 at Exclusive Books, Cavendish Square, Cape Town.
New from Jonathan Ball: Quiet time with the President by Peter Friedland and Jill Margo
2024-08-20Peter Friedland served as a member of Nelson Mandela’s medical team and helped to monitor his hearing. They built a rapport over the years and their conversations regularly veered towards politics. As an ENT specialist, Peter regularly treated victims of violent crime. When his daughters were exposed to a robbery, he had to make a life-changing decision. This book examines the powerful forces that push people away from South Africa and those that pull them back in. It is never as simple as merely staying or going – it is an emotional tug of war that continues until something snaps.
Fresh off the press: The truth about Cape slavery by Patric Tariq Mellet
2024-08-20In The truth about Cape slavery, Patric Tariq Mellet argues that modern South Africa – its economy and politics – is shaped and established on the foundation of chattel slavery just like the United States of America. Cape slavery, rather than minor, was a crucial feature of maritime capitalism. This then moved to become the cornerstone of the Cape’s agricultural economy.
The fall by Hans Pienaar: a book review
2024-08-16"He is a creative writer very much attracted to the beauty of the mangled achievement; it is, in a sense, part of his ethos. It is the wilfully imperfect note that Pienaar strikes with great care and planning, which charms when it doesn’t become too convoluted."
Stefaans Coetzee gesels met Nicole Engelbrecht oor Sizzlers: The hate crime that tore Sea Point apart
2024-08-14"Ja, lesers gaan dinge raaklees wat nog nooit in die media gedek is nie." Stefaans Coetzee kuier saam met Nicole Engelbrecht, skrywer van die blitsverkoper, Sizzlers: The hate crime that tore Sea Point apart.
Pasverskyn: Gif deur Annerle Barnard en Franco V Heyn
2024-08-13Joe Schutte en sy pelle, Nathe en Thabo, lewe vir rugby. Alles anders in Joe se lewe is so vars soos verlede jaar se brood. Maar skielik verander iets in die rugbyspan. Dit voel asof hulle spanmaats oornag groter, sterker, beter is. Joe en Thabo verloor hulle plekke in die span terwyl Nathe onseker is oor sy plek. Die drie beraam ’n plan, maar dis onwettig en die risiko is groot. Dan is daar Joanne. As Joe en Joanne se sterre mekaar gevind het, waarom kan sy ma haar nie verdra nie?
Press release: Inspiring new generations of literary talent – the Achmat Dangor Literary Prize 2024
2024-08-12The Achmat Dangor Literary Prize is now open to eligible young writers working in all genres (poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction), with applications closing on September 15, 2024.
We were perfect parents until we had children: an interview with Vanessa Raphaely
2024-08-08"We felt that editing the mass of content down to a collection of gems would be a great curated read. We believe it to be powerful (so many parents, not gurus, sharing their experience and wisdom), and we see the trends of what subjects people are concerned about daily. We could and might still publish 10 books. There’s that much."
Press release: Shortlist for the Ingrid Jonker Prize 2024 announced
2024-08-07The shortlisted collections of poetry for the Ingrid Jonker Prize 2024 have been announced.