Full particulars: A podcast on historical fiction – David Attwell in conversation with Zoë Wicomb and Andrew van der Vlies

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David Attwell (https://www.litnet.co.za/video-david-attwell-on-jm-coetzee-and-the-life-in-writing/); Zoë Wicomb (https://www.litnet.co.za/still-life-an-interview-with-zoe-wicomb/) and Andrew van der Vlies (stias.ac.za)

In this first episode of David Attwell's monthly podcast, Full particulars, David hosts Zoë Wicomb reading from her new novel, Still life (Umuzi, 2020) and discusses historical (meta)fiction with Andrew van der Vlies, professor of English at the University of Adelaide. Andrew is the editor of Wicomb's collection of nonfiction, Race, nation and translation: South African essays, 1990{2013 (Yale University Press, 2018).

Credit: Music by Darius Brubeck: “Tugela Rail”, published by Valentine Music / SAMRO.     

Also read: 

Still life by Zoë Wicomb – reader impression

Still life, an interview with Zoë Wicomb

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