Gospel in jou tale met Jonathan Rubain en andere
Vang gees by Taalmonument met ’n spirituele sangfees.
Die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument (ATM) is in November die gasheer vir seker een van die grootste gospelkonserte ooit met onder andere Jonathan Rubain van Koortjies-faam en 18 ander sangers en groepe. In samewerking met Marco Mentoor en Chadleigh Gowar, beloof hierdie spirituele sang-extravaganza om van Sondag, 26 November 2023, ’n onvergeetbare middag in die Amfiteater op Paarlberg te maak.
Vanaf 13:00 tot 20:00 sal besoekers bekoor word met musiek en lirieke uit die boonste rakke danksy die begeesterde sangers en groepe. Hulle sluit in Alrick Filander, Cheswyn Ray, Divine Ministry, DMD Deonecha/Mornè/Duelin, Dumisani, Heinrich Isaac, Kevin Booysen, Lekker Crew, Nosipho H, Paarl Archdeacon Choir, Reggie B, Rynhardt Serfontein (seremoniemeester), Set One Band, Seuns van Sion Koortjies Band asook Vurswill Seconds. Hierdie talentvolle musikante is vanaf die Paarl en ander dele van die Wes-Kaap; hulle verteenwoordig ’n verskeidenheid gospelgenres en bespeel talle instrumente, onder meer saxofoon en klavier. Hul bekende opnames kry ruim lugtyd, en hulle het al wyd gereis om voor groot gehore hul boodskap oor te dra.
Rubain is alom bekend as die aanbieder van kykNET&Kie se Koortjies met Jonathan Rubain waar die fokus val op die rol van geloof, sang, spiritualiteit en sake wat kykers na aan die hart lê. As musikant, nou met Seuns van Sion, slaag hy daarin om beide gospel- en jazz-gehore in vervoering te hou tydens hul uitverkoopte konserte regoor die land.
Die hekke open om 13:00 en gaste word aangemoedig om ’n gesinsuitstappie daarvan te maak. Daar is oorgenoeg sitplekke, dus geen ander stoele word toegelaat nie. Stalletjies sal bekostigbare, heerlike verversings aanbied, derhalwe word geen eie kos of drank toegelaat nie. Genoeg parkering is beskikbaar.
Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Computicket teen R120 vir volwassenes en kinders. As daar enige kaartjies oor is, sal dit vanaf 12:00 by die hekke te koop wees. Vir besonderhede en navrae, kontak Verinque Daniëls by 021 872 3441 of stuur ’n e-pos na vakkundige@taalmuseum.co.za.
Gospel in your languages, with Jonathan Rubain and others
Catch the spirit at Taalmonument with festival of sacred songs
In November, the Afrikaans Language Museum and Monument (ATM) hosts probably one of the largest gospel concerts ever with, among others, Jonathan Rubain of Koortjies fame and 18 other singers and groups. In collaboration with Marco Mentoor and Chadleigh Gowar, this spiritual singing extravaganza promises to turn Sunday, 26 November 2023, into an unforgettable afternoon in the Amphitheatre on Paarl Mountain.
From 13:00 to 20:00 visitors will be enchanted by exquisite music and lyrics thanks to the spirited singers and groups. They include Alrick Filander, Cheswyn Ray, Divine Ministry, DMD Deonecha/Mornè/Duelin, Dumisani, Heinrich Isaac, Kevin Booysen, Lekker Crew, Nosipho H, Paarl Archdeacon Choir, Reggie B, Rynhardt Serfontein (MC), Set One Band, Seuns van Sion Koortjies Band as well as Vurswill Seconds. These talented musicians hail from Paarl and the rest of the Western Cape; they represent a variety of gospel genres and play numerous instruments, including saxophone and piano. Their famous recordings receive ample airtime, and they have travelled widely to convey their message to large audiences.
Rubain is widely known as the presenter of kykNET&Kie’s Koortjies met Jonathan Rubain where the focus is on the role of faith, song, spirituality and issues that are close to the viewers’ hearts. As a musician, now with Seuns van Sion, he manages to keep both gospel and jazz audiences enthralled during their sold-out concerts across the country.
The gates open at 12:00 and guests are encouraged to make a family outing of it. There is ample seating, so no other chairs are allowed. Stalls will offer affordable, delicious refreshments, therefore no own food or drink is allowed. Ample parking is available.
Tickets are available at Computicket at R120 for adults and children. If there are any left, they will be on sale at the gates from 12:00. For details and enquiries, contact Verinque Daniëls on 021 872 3441 or send an email to vakkundige@taalmuseum.co.za.