Mediavrystelling: Taalmonument bied opleiding oor boekherstel en -bindery aan

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Kursusse sal boekdele spreek oor herstelwerk

Jy is mal oor jou ou, verwaarloosde hardebandboeke, maar wens net jy kon die kuns bemeester om hulle met liefde reg te dokter? Dan is die boekherstelspesialis George Wentzel se kursusse by die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument (ATM) in die Paarl weereens die antwoord op jou drome. Wentzel, ’n gekwalifiseerde meesterboekbinder met meer as 45 jaar se ondervinding, bied ’n inleidende kursus oor die herstel van ou hardebandboeke van 24 tot 26 Februarie 2021 aan.

Van 29 tot 31 Maart 2021 bied hy ook ’n gevorderde kursus by die ATM aan.

Hierdie kenner het voorheen in die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika se boekbewaringsafdeling gewerk en is altyd geesdriftig om hierdie skaars vaardigheid aan andere te onderrig. Danksy sy vele toekennings en die aanbied van meer as 30 rampbestuur- en boekbindwerkwinkels dwarsoor die land, is hy ongetwyfeld ʼn fontein van teoretiese en praktiese kennis.

Geen vooraf opleiding is nodig vir die eerste tweetalige driedagkursus nie. Deelnemers sal drie boeke maak en bladgoudwerk en basiese boekherstelwerk doen. Ingesluit is werksprosedures, ’n oorsig van die dele van ’n boek en die samestelling daarvan, asook demonstrasies van en praktiese oefeninge in skutblaaie, boekbindwerk, leerbindwerk, omhulselafronding en bladrugsteun.

 Die kursus kos R1 750 per persoon, wat ʼn sertifikaat van bywoning en ʼn stel basiese gereedskap insluit. Dit vind daagliks van 09:00 tot 15:30 in die Konferensielokaal in die Besoekersentrum by die Taalmonument plaas. Koffie en tee is ingesluit, maar deelnemers moet sorg vir hul eie middagete. In terme van die Covid-19-regulasies sal deelnemers maskers moet dra.

’n Gevorderde kursus in boekherstel – wat fokus op gevorderde goudblad- en hersteltegnieke, asook die bou van Solanderbokse – word van 29 tot 31 Maart 2021 aangebied. Die gevorderde kursus, ook R1 750 per persoon, is geskik vir deelnemers wat reeds die basiese beginsels van boek- en papierherstelwerk verwerf het, en elke persoon sal weer drie boeke skep.

Vir meer besonderhede en besprekings, kontak Jeffrey Pietersen by 021 872 3441, of stuur ʼn e-pos na

Die ATM bied jaarliks ʼn reeks kursusse en werkswinkels aan wat fokus op die ontwikkeling van basiese vakkundige vaardighede. Voorstelle vir bykomende werkswinkels oor soortgelyke onderwerpe is welkom. Sien vir meer en volg hulle op Facebook vir al die ander opwindende geleenthede wat by die Taalmonument en Taalmuseum plaasvind.

Jaarpermitte is beskikbaar teen R120 vir individue of R220 per gesin (tans aangebied teen ʼn 20%-afslag), wat toegang tot alle Volmaanpieknieks insluit.

Media release: Book now for Taalmonument’s book-repair and binding courses

You love your old, neglected hardcover books, but just wish you could master the art of repairing them properly? Then book-repair specialist George Wentzel’s courses at the Afrikaans Language Museum and Monument (ATM) in Paarl are once again the answer to your dreams. Wentzel, a qualified master bookbinder with over 45 years of experience, is offering an introductory course on repairing old hardcover books from 24 to 26 February 2021.

From 29 to 31 March 2021 this year, he is also offering an advanced course at the ATM.

This expert previously worked in the National Library of South Africa’s book conservation section; his passion is teaching this scarce skill to others. Thanks to his many awards and the offering of more than 30 disaster-management and bookbinding workshops across the country, he is undoubtedly a fountain of theoretical and practical knowledge.

No prior knowledge is required for the first three-day, bilingual course. Participants will create three books each, do gold foiling and perform basic book repairs. Included are working procedures, an overview of the parts of a book and the composition thereof, as well as demonstrations of and practical exercises in end papering, binding, leather binding, casing rounding and backing.

The course fee, including a certificate of attendance and basic tool kit, is R1 750 per person and the workshop takes place daily from 09:00 to 15:30 in the Conference Room in the Visitor Centre at the Taalmonument. Tea and coffee are included, but participants should bring their own lunch. In terms of the Covid-19 regulations, participants will have to wear masks.

An advanced course in book repair – focusing on advanced gold foiling and repairing techniques, and construction of Solander boxes – will be presented from 29 to 31 March 2021. The advanced course, also R1 750 per person, is suitable for participants who have already acquired the basics of book and paper conservation, and each person will again create three books.

For details and bookings, contact Jeffrey Pietersen on 021 872 3441 or send an e-mail to

The ATM annually presents a series of courses and workshops focusing on the development of basic professional skills. Anyone interested in related subjects are welcome to make suggestions for additional workshops. See for more information and follow them on Facebook for the other exciting events happening at the Taalmonument.

Annual permits are available at R120 for individuals or R220 per family (currently offered at a 20%-discount), which includes access to all Full Moon Picnics.

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