Breytenbach family press release

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It is with deep sorrow that the Breytenbach family announces the passing of Breyten Breytenbach earlier today, Sunday 24 November 2024.

He passed away peacefully in Paris (France) at the age of 85 – with his wife Yolande by his side.

Breyten was a celebrated South African wordsmith – a poet, novelist, painter, and activist, whose work profoundly shaped literature and the arts both locally and abroad. Known for his masterful literary creations such as The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist and A Season in Paradise, he fearlessly addressed themes of exile, identity, and justice.

Photo of Breyten Breytenbach: Tessa Louw

A vocal opponent of apartheid, Breytenbach joined Okhela, a separate ideological wing of the ANC in exile, and was imprisoned upon his clandestine return to South Africa in 1975. Despite this, his artistic and literary contributions flourished, cementing his place as one of South Africa’s most courageous and visionary figures.

Born in Bonnievale, Western Cape, in 1939, Breyten was one of five siblings – all of whom have preceded him. Breytenbach spent much of his life abroad but remained deeply connected to his South African roots…

Interestingly, since Breyten’s 80th birthday, he had been exploring denouement towards death, and expressing his uncomfortable discoveries through his art and writings. In this way he had the courage to give form to the forever formlessness from which we come, and to which we shall surely return.

Breytenbach is survived by his wife, Yolande, and daughter Daphnée and two grandsons.

The family appreciates the support and condolences received during this difficult time and requests privacy as they finalise funeral arrangements, details of which will be shared in due course.

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  • Paul Stopforth

    Dear Yolande so very saddened by his passing.
    Thinking of you with admiration and affection.
    Paul and Carol

  • Melanie Grobler

    Die fynboskoninkryk waarin ek bly, die bokkie en die bobbejane, selfs ystervark, sien die sterstof wat op die verbrande hange van Hangklip val.

  • Johan van der Merwe

    Breyten, rus mooi, grootseun. Eendag sal ons daardie dag kry, ek en jy, en ons sal lekker gesels, oor die lewe veral, jy los 'n yslike leemte, maar genoeg woorde om my aan die gang te hou en om almal te herinner, jy het 'n pad oop geskryf na waar jy nou is.

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