Madibaland @ Bookbedonnerd Literary Festival 2024: an interview with Darryl David

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Foto van Darryl David: Izak de Vries

Darryl David talks to Naomi Meyer about the Madibaland @ Bookbedonnerd Literary Festival 2024 taking place from 31 October to 2 November 2024.

Darryl, it’s time for the Madibaland @ Bookbedonnerd Literary Festival again! I see you took the red bus via Matjiesfontein to get to Richmond. Where do you get your energy from? 

I don't want to sound like an evangelist. But truly, there are days when I think "by the grace of God". Because it's virtually impossible to run eight book festivals, lecture, and write my own books. So my answer is … from the big man in the sky. 

Okay, so book festivals give you energy. This must be a unique source of energy. Do they store the energy in bottles? If not, tell me the books your energy will be coming from for the next few days? Tell me about the authors at this year's event.

I can't even begin to tell you what energy flows from these events. We've just listened to the first speaker as I’m typing. And you could see how the energy levels were raised in the first 30 minutes of the festival. And when you see the tears in a writer’s eyes when you thank him or her from your heart, maybe the tears tell a story about what energy it takes to write a book. 

Now also tell me about the regulars at the Madibaland @ Bookbedonnerd Literary Festival? Do you sometimes, or often, see the same people there? Are there specific types of book festival people?

Book Town Richmond is like the Cheers bar in Boston. It's a place where everybody knows your name. Everyone you meet on the street hugs you. And these are people you’ve known for close to two decades. You cherish these moments. Because so many are no longer with us. And that makes you cherish the faces of your book family. 

I really did my best to ask you a different question apart from the same questions I ask every year, but please start at the beginning for any of our readers who have never been to the Madibaland @ Bookbedonnerd Literary Festival? How does this work? Do you pay for the events? What happens in Richmond every year for these three days?

Peter Baker and I feel there must surely be a space for a free book festival in South Africa. We pioneered this type of festival. And as long as Book Town Richmond can continue, there will be no tickets. Just come on in. And let your soul soar on the wings of the wonder of the word. 

Here is a link to this year’s programme.

If people read this interview and they have the sudden urge to drive all the way to Richmond, are there still places to stay? Where can they eat? Any recommendations?

There are about three rooms left in town! The town is packed like in the days when petrol was cheap. But the restaurants still sell good old-fashioned Karookos.

Also read:

A personal letter about Madibaland@BookBedonnerd World Literary Festival 2024: Kia ora, Karoosters

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