Wat is LitNet?

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LitNet is ’n onafhanklike joernaal op die internet, en word as gesamentlike onderneming deur Ligitprops 3042 BK en 24.com bedryf met Etienne van Heerden as stigter-redakteur.

Die LitNet-bestuurskomitee bestaan uit Etienne van Heerden, professor in die Skool vir Tale en Letterkundes aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad, en Martin Geldenhuys, bestuursrekenmeester by 24.com.

Die LitNet-node vir geakkrediteerde akademiese skryfwerk in Afrikaans, LitNet Akademies, is ’n art 21-maatskappy. In die direksie van LitNet Akademies dien Etienne van Heerden, Jos Floor (Floor Prokureurs) en Martin Geldenhuys (24.com).

LitNet se materiaal is in twee argiewe beskikbaar: Argief 1 (1999–2006) en Argief 2 (2006–2011).


LitNet is an independent journal on the internet and a joint venture of Ligitprops 3042 cc and 24.com with Etienne van Heerden as founder-editor.

The LitNet Management Committee consists of Etienne van Heerden, professor in the School of Languages and Literatures at the University of Cape Town, and Martin Geldenhuys, management accountant at 24.com. The LitNet node for accredited academic writing in Afrikaans, LitNet Akademies, is an Article 21 company. The LitNet Management Committee for LitNet Akademies consists of Etienne van Heerden, Jos Floor (Floor Attorneys) and Martin Geldenhuys (24.com).

LitNet's material is available in two archives: Archive 1 (1999–2006) en Archive 2 (2006–2011).


The LitNet Mission Statement

LitNet aims to provide a robust virtual home for culture lovers and to remain the leading South African multicultural online journal. As a broad cultural journal with an Afrikaans-speaking heart but an openness to a multicultural environment and living space, it also accommodates other languages such as Xhosa, English and Dutch. Now firmly established within the Afrikaans environment, LitNet is committed to growing its English and African languages content. Because of its legitimacy within its niche market, its marriage to established publishers, arts festivals and other cultural institutions, as well as its unique texture and sound and conservative expenditure, LitNet is set to keep growing as a space for new writing and vigorous socio-cultural opinion. Combining popular interactivity with quality content establishes LitNet as a home for both the home-grown philosopher and the more highbrow intellectual.

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