Stellenbosch Chamber Music Festival’s (SICMF) early-bird special!
The 2024 Stellenbosch International Chamber Music Festival will run from 5 to 14 July. The 2023 SICMF was a resounding success with 29 internationally acclaimed artists inspiring, coaching and performing alongside 257 student participants from seven countries, the vast majority of which were South Africans, and 91 of which qualified for either full or partial scholarships to attend.
The 2024 SICMF will see some new and some well-known faces. Conductor Michael Repper, currently the Music Director of the Ashland Symphony Orchestra, Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, and the Northern Neck Orchestra of Virginia, will make his first appearance at the SICMF this coming July. His album with the New York Youth Symphony, which features debut recordings of works by Florence Price, Jessie Montgomery, and Valerie Coleman, achieved widespread critical acclaim, reached #1 on the Billboard Chart, and won a Grammy® Award – the first time a youth orchestra has achieved this milestone.
Much loved returning artists, some of whom are already synonymous with the SICMF, include violinists Andrey Baranov, Daniel Rowland and Nicolas Dautricourt, cellist Maja Bogdanovic, flautist Demarre McGill, Oboist Dwight Parry, percussionist extraordinaire Jauvon Gilliam and of course our locally based piano faculty, Luis Magalhães, Pieter Grobler and SICMF Artistic Director, Nina Schumann. New faculty artists include Fedor Belugin, violist of the David Oistrakh Quartet and virtuoso double bassist, Roman Patkoló.
The online student entry portal is now open and students who enroll on or before 16 February 2024 will qualify for the early-bird special of R6000 for an all-inclusive entry including full board and lodging for 10 days and R3600 for full participation excluding board and lodging. As of 17 February 2023, full price fees of R6600 and R4000 will come into effect.
For further info, please consult the website or email the Festival Director at
SIKMF: Spesiale aanbod vir vroeë registrasie!
Die volgende Stellenbosch Internasionale Kamermusiekfees vind plaas van 5 tot 14 Julie 2024. Die fees van 2023 was ’n groot sukses, met 29 hoog aangeskrewe kunstenaars wat 257 studente geïnspireer, afgerig en saam met hulle opgetree het. Die studente was van sewe verskillende lande afkomstig, waarvan die meerderheid Suid-Afrikaners was. 91 van hulle het gekwalifiseer vir volle of gedeeltelike beurse om aan die fees deel te neem.
Naas ’n aantal ou bekendes sal verskeie nuwe personeel vanjaar by die SIKMF optree. Die dirigent Michael Repper, tans Musiekdirekteur van die Ashland Symphony Orchestra, die Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra en die Northern Neck Orchestra van Virginia in die VSA sal sy eerste buiging by die fees maak. Sy album met die jeugsimfonieorkes van New York, wat eerste opnames van werke deur Florence Price, Jessie Montgomery en Valerie Coleman insluit, is besonder goed ontvang en het die eerste plek op die Billboard Chart verower, sowel as ’n Grammy toekenning. Dit is die eerste keer dat ’n jeugorkes hierdie toekenning ontvang.
Alombeminde kunstenaars wat weer optree en wat teen hierdie tyd al amper sinoniem met die Kamermusiekfees geword het sluit in die violiste Andrey Baranov, Daniel Rowland en Nicolas Dautricourt, die tjellis Maja Bogdanovic, die fluitspeler Demarre McGill, die hobospeler Dwight Parry en die briljante perkussiespeler Jauvon Gilliam. Die plaaslike klavierdosente Luis Magalhães, Pieter Grobler en die fees se Artistieke Direkteur Nina Schumann sal ook weer hul plek volstaan, naas nuwelinge soos Fedor Belugin, die violis van die David Oistrakh Kwartet, en die kontrabasvirtuoos Roman Patkoló.
Die aanlyn studenteportaal is nou oop en studente wat voor 16 Februarie 2024 registreer kwalifiseer vir ’n spesiale aanbod van R6000 vir die volledige paket van tien dae (insluitende verblyf en maaltye) of R3600 vir volle deelname sonder verblyf en maaltye. Vanaf 17 Februarie sal die volle prys betaalbaar wees, onderskeideliek R6600 of R4000.
Kyk asb. na die fees se webwerf vir verdere besonderhede of skakel met die Feesdirekteur by