Press release: Endler Concert Series presents Voces Cordis, conducted by André van der Merwe | Endler Hall, 24 May 2024

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The Endler Prestige Concert Series presents Voces cordis conducted by André van der Merwe

Endler Hall, Stellenbosch | 24 May 2024 | 19:00

Since its inception in 2022, Voces Cordis (Voices of the heart) has already established itself as one of South Africa’s leading choral ensembles.

André van der Merwe (Photo: provided)

Under the direction of the acclaimed choral conductor, André van der Merwe, the choir will return to Stellenbosch for its first gala performance of 2024 on Friday, 24 May as part of the Endler Concert Series.

Having performed to sold-out audiences in concert halls across the Cape Peninsula over the last two years, tickets are set to sell out fast!

Voces Cordis comprises 75 talented and dedicated young adults from all over the Cape who share a passion for choral music and singing. Most members are experienced singers, having been part of university and amateur choirs across the country. While a handful of members are employed as choral directors and musicians, the majority work in a variety of other professions, as teachers, designers, lawyers and medical practitioners, among other. The group’s determination to be one of the foremost amateur choral ensembles on the globe is, however, apparent – there is already talk of showcasing their artistry in international eisteddfods in 2025. On Monday evenings the choir members set aside their daily responsibilities and come together to prepare choral repertoire of the highest order:

There may be someone who still needs to prep for a challenging work deadline, at someone’s home there is a child eagerly awaiting a bedtime story or a spouse who took on the task of cooking dinner, a school paper waiting to be graded, or a lunchbox that needs to be packed. Each choir member has a unique approach to carving out time for the music. And when the choir graces the stage, we collectively share a fragment of the essence that is Voces Cordis, our individual souls come together, and our hearts beat as one.

Voces Cordis was founded in 2022 by André van der Merwe as a continuation of his internationally award-winning work with ensembles such as the Pro Cantu Youth Choir, Stellenberg Girls Choir and the Stellenbosch University Choir:

Voces Cordis represents an inspiring journey of reconnection – over a period of 25 years many of its members have played a pivotal role in my growth as an artist and human being. When we started the choir, I expected to make beautiful music with talented people. What surprised me, was their work ethic and the pure joy that followed. This is an exceptional group of adults with families, wild schedules and challenging careers, yet they find time to create beauty. When I asked them in 2023 if we can take the repertoire to the next level, they simply smiled with dogged determination!

Voces Cordis returns to Endler Hall with a diverse programme of choral music – both well-known and rarely heard pieces, some in a classical vein as well as popular song arrangements. The concert will feature, among works by famous contemporary choral composers such as Gyöngyösi Levente (Hungary, 1975–) and Eriks Esenvalds (Latvia, 1977–), two pieces by English Renaissance composers: Ecce vicit Leo, a sacred motet for double choir by Peter Philips (1560–1628) and Sing Joyfully by William Byrd (1543–1623), a jubilant anthem for six voices from the Elizabethan Age. Other liturgical settings based on traditional catholic prayers include the impassioned 20th and 21st century compositions Ave Maria (Angelus Domini) by Franz Biebl (Germany, 1906–2001) and Angele Dei by Susan LaBarr (USA, 1981–). Arrangements of popular songs by Freddie Mercury and, yes, Justin Bieber as well as a glimpse into musical theatre with Stephen Sondheim’s famous 1973 song Send in the Clowns will conclude the programme.

Photo: provided

Voces Cordis will perform on Friday 24 May 2024 at 19h00 in the Endler Hall, Conservatorium of Music, Stellenbosch University.

Tickets available on Webtickets:

Tickets: R175

For press inquiries, interviews, or additional information, please contact: Liny Kruger

Vicky Davis (Artistic Manager & Communication, SU Dept of Music):




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