Quentin Williams

Quentin Williams is the director of the Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research (CMDR) and is an associate professor of sociolinguistics in the Linguistics Department at the University of the Western Cape (UWC).

He is also the Ghent visiting professor (Leerstoel Houer) at the Centre for Afrikaans and the Study of South Africa at Ghent University (Belgium) (2020/2021).

He has published journal articles, book chapters and op-ed pieces on the performance and practice of multilingualism, race, hip hop, language activism, Afrikaaps and linguistic citizenship in South Africa.

He is co-editor of the journal Multilingual Margins: A Journal of Multilingualism from the Periphery, and his most recent book is Neva again: Hip hop art, activism and education in post-apartheid South Africa (HSRC Press, 2019, with Adam Haupt, H Samy Alim and Emile YX?).

He is also the author of Making sense of people and place in linguistic landscapes (Bloomsbury, 2018, with Amiena Peck and Christopher Stroud) and Remix multilingualism (Bloomsbury Press, 2017). He also features on the rap album #IntheKeyofB.

The science of Kaaps: Reflections on the 3rd Kaaps Symposium

Quentin Williams Opinion 2024-08-22

"In a previous article published on the LitNet platform, I suggested openly and candidly that Kaaps is the future of Afrikaans. I take that back: Kaaps has its own future; it is now in the hands of us all. Help us secure the future of this historically marginalised and indigenous language."

Die eerste Kaaps-woordeboek: ’n onderhoud met Quentin Williams

Menán van Heerden, Quentin Williams Onderhoude 2021-07-28

Die Drietalige woordeboek van Kaaps- (DWK-) projek, wat die eerste woordeboek van Kaaps gaan ontwikkel, is pas bekend gemaak. Die DWK-projek word gelei deur die Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research (CMDR) aan die Universiteit van die Wes-Kaap en die nieregeringsorganisasie Heal the Hood Project. Menán van Heerden gesels met Quentin Williams, direkteur van die CMDR.

Afrikaans: die groter prentjie

Menán van Heerden, Ernst Kotzé, Quentin Williams, Elvis Saal Onderhoude 2021-05-05

Hoe kan Gariep-Afrikaans genoegsame blootstelling/eienaarskap geniet? Is daar gemeenskaplike kenmerke / wedersydse invloed tussen variëteite wat maatskaplike en geografiese grense oorskry? Wat behels "algemene Afrikaans"? Is herstandaardisering die antwoord? Waar pas Standaardafrikaans as gebruiksvorm vir spesifieke doeleindes in? Hoe praat jongmense in bv Namakwaland vandag Afrikaans? Menán van Heerden praat met linguiste Ernst Kotzé, Quentin Williams en Elvis Saal.

Kaaps is the future of Afrikaans

Quentin Williams Universiteitseminaar | University Seminar 2021-03-30

"If it wasn’t clear before, then it definitely is now: public debates about Afrikaans have never really been concerned with how we should plan, empower and increase the access and success of historically marginalised and racialised varieties of Afrikaans in institutions of power such as Stellenbosch University."
