Apocalyptics and resilience
2024-07-18"In religious circles the apocalypses of the Bible are interpreted in different ways. Among the popular readings found mostly in fundamentalistically inclined groups, the contents of these revelations are understood literally."
Apokaliptiek en veerkragtigheid
2024-07-18"Die bedoeling in al hierdie gedeeltes is dat die gelowiges dieper moet kyk as die oppervlakkige gebeure van ontwrigting. Hulle moet God met die toekoms vertrou."
Traces of dynamic intertextuality in Psalm 89
2021-08-23"In this literary frame of reference the psalm, especially the third stanza, refers to the problem of human despair. A universal open contextualisation is given to the psalm, inviting the reader to reapply and reconceptualise its contents for different circumstances."
Spore van dinamiese intertekstualiteit in Psalm 89
2021-08-23"Al drie stansas van Psalm 89 hoort bymekaar en is sedertdien as selfstandige eenheid gesien en deel gemaak van die koningspsalms in Psalms 73–89. Dit staan ook bekend as die versameling van Asaf- en Koragpsalms ..."
The Wisdom of Solomon as an intertextual text
2021-02-19"The Book of Wisdom alludes to Solomon and his wisdom. However, wisdom is personified in this book. She becomes a life companion to those who follow her. She was used by God to create the world."
Die Wysheid van Salomo as ’n intertekstuele teks
2021-02-19"Die feit dat die boek in Grieks geskryf is, deurspek is van die Griekse ideologie van Plato en die Stoïsyne en ook die Joodse denke van die eerste eeue voor en na Christus, maak dit uiters onwaarskynlik dat Salomo dit geskryf het."
What does it mean that the Bible is a canon?
2020-07-13"When dealing with ethical problems the Christian church bases its view on the Bible as its authoritative source. The authority of the Bible is indicated by the notion canon. Meaning criterion or rule, the term indicates that the Bible is the highest authority of teaching for the church."
Wat hou dit in dat die Bybel ’n kanon is?
2020-07-13"Sake uit die onlangse verlede is vraagstukke oor apartheid, of vrouelidmate hoede moet dra tydens die erediens, die toelating van vrouens tot die ampte in die kerk, en die vrae rondom homoseksualiteit en die sogenaamde LGBTQI+-vraagstuk. Die Bybel is die basisdokument in die Christelike kerk en antwoorde op hierdie vraagstukke word uit beginsel daarin gesoek."