Nico Koopman

Nico Koopman is Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Social Impact, Transformation and Personnel at Stellenbosch University, and is a professor of Public Theology and Ethics. He was Dean of the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch University. He was a founding member and the chairperson of the Global Network for Public Theology and is a fellow of the Institute for Theological Inquiry in Princeton, New Jersey. His research focuses on themes like inalienable dignity, healing reconciliation, embracive justice, responsible freedom, equality and the reciprocal and transformative impact of universities on the various spheres of society, including the domains of politics, economics, the natural environment, civil society and public opinion formation. He is involved in public discourses in the academy, churches and the broader society, both locally and internationally.

Race and Transformation in Higher Education Conference raises crucial themes in pursuit of Stellenbosch University’s transformation journey

Aslam Fataar, Nico Koopman, Leslie van Rooi, Therese Fish, Zethu Mkhize Universiteitseminaar | University Seminar 2022-11-25

"Attended by 150 persons from various regional and international universities, as well as participants from civil society, the conference occurred in the wake of the release of the Khampepe Report, which highlights, among other things, the lived experiences particularly of students and staff of colour at SU."

Reguit met Robinson: Is transformasie bloot ’n mooi woord vir die US?

Freek Robinson, Nico Koopman Onderhoude 2022-05-25

Ervaar mense van kleur voortdurende rassisme aan die US, of is die onlangse insidente uitsonderlik? Wat doen die universiteit met hulle opdrag om te transformeer? Is transformasie bloot ’n mooi woord vir die US?

Van den Heever se “Werkstaking by die kleigat”: Regtig nodig in Die Afrikaanse kortverhaalboek?

Anton van Niekerk, Nico Koopman Menings 2017-03-22

"Ons kan seker die verlede nie vergeet nie. Maar waarom aan hierdie verhaal van rassisme en growwe paternalisme status verleen deur dit ook in hierdie besondere bundel op te neem? Waarom hierdie verhaal nie toelaat om rustig te verdwyn in die vergetelheid wat dit so ryklik verdien nie?"

’n Lewe van menswaardigheid – 'n gesprek oor die bruin identiteitseminaar

Nico Koopman, Nico Botha, Michael Cloete, Naomi Meyer 2012-11-27 ’n Interdissiplinêre konferensie oor bruin identiteit word aangebied deur die Beyers Naudé Sentrum vir Publieke Teologie, Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit Stellenbosch. Naomi Meyer het prominente rolspelers en seminaarbydraers by die seminaar hieroor uitgevra.