Ingrid Jones

Ingrid Jones is a UWC alumnus with a background in education (Afrikaans and communication studies), a TV and radio presenter, and the co-owner and editor-in-chief of Mikateko Media. She currently lives in Pringle Bay, where the baboons frolic, the wind always blows and you can still breathe freely, and writes about and ponders life, grief and this country, which makes her sad, mad and filled with joy in equal measures.

Dear white people

Ingrid Jones Menings 2023-10-24

"Yep, I’m broad-sweeping, because every time a black person (broad term) says that they have experienced racism at the hands of white people, your tribe questions whether we are sure we have read the situation correctly."

US-taaldebat 2021: Kinkel in die kabel

Ingrid Jones Universiteitseminaar | University Seminar 2021-03-25

"Ons weet wie die voorlopers, die sleutelbordaktiviste, bewakers, saamlopers, vryers, verdagmakers, puriste, nuwelinge, taal-toi-toiers, ens is. Iemand moet die kinders ’n geskiedenisles gee."

Ingrid Jones se inperkingsresepte word ’n kookboek en tydskrif: ’n onderhoud

Maryke Roberts, Ingrid Jones Kos en wyn 2020-10-15

"Dit voel soos my tribe ..."
