Tracey Saunders

Tracey Saunders loves words on stages and pages and all the places in between. She is a freelance consultant who works with numbers and words to support her theatre habit. She has worked in the social justice sector in South Africa for 35 years in a wide range of organisations, from Abahlimi Bezekhaya to Zabalaza. She was a rape counsellor and advocacy trainer at Rape Crisis, where she served on the steering committee. A strong believer in the strength of the solidarity of women she was a member of The Western Cape Network on Violence Against Women, an organising member of the first One Billion Rising campaign in South Africa in 2013 and a participant in the Total Shutdown Movement march to parliament in 2018. Tracey is passionate about the possibilities of arts and culture to achieve social justice and believes that theatre and storytelling can change hearts, minds and the world. She has utilised her organisational development and financial skills at various organisations, including FTH:K, a theatre company that creates theatre for the deaf community, Theatre in the Backyard, which creates site specific performances and Theatre Arts, an independent theatre venue in Cape Town that promotes accessibility for audiences and artists. She is a member of the Fleur du Cap Theatre Awards judging panel and served on the National Arts Festival Artistic Committee, as a member of which she curated the Arena Programme and convened the Standard Bank Ovation Awards Panel. #LoveYourWork is where she juggles numbers, wrangles words, frames art and follows the “instructions for living a life” of her favourite writer, Mary Oliver: “Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”

LitNet | STAND: Theatre review workshop 2023 final mentor feedback | Kwanele Nyembe’s review of Around the fire

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-12-13

Here is the final round of feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the second version of Kwanele Nyembe’s theatre review.

LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop 2023 final mentor feedback | Klara van Rooyen’s review of Droomkraan-kronieke

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-12-13

Here is the final feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the second version of Klara van Rooyen’s theatre review.

LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop 2023 final mentor feedback | Jane Mpholo’s review of Ijoloba: The prophecy

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-12-13

Here is the final round of feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the second version of Jane Mpholo’s theatre review.

LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop 2023 final mentor feedback | Ignus Rademeyer’s review of Monsters

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-12-13

Here is the final feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the second version of Ignus Rademeyer’s theatre review.

LitNet | STAND: Theatre review workshop 2023 final mentor feedback | Alberto Smit’s review of Jessie, die man en die maan

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-12-13

Here is the final round of feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the second version of Alberto Smit’s theatre review.

LitNet | STAND: Theatre review workshop 2023 mentor feedback | Kwanele Nyembe’s review of Around the fire

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-11-08

Here is the first round of feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the first version of Kwanele Nyembe’s theatre review.

LitNet | STAND: Theatre review workshop 2023 mentor feedback | Alberto Smit’s review of Jessie, die man en die maan

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-11-08

Here is the first round of feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the first version of Alberto Smit’s theatre review.

LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop 2023 mentor feedback | Klara van Rooyen’s review of Droomkraan-kronieke

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-11-08

Here is the first round of feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the first version of Klara van Rooyen’s theatre review.

LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop 2023 mentor feedback | Ignus Rademeyer’s review of Monsters

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-11-08

Here is the first round of feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the first version of Ignus Rademeyer’s theatre review.

LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop 2023 mentor feedback | Jane Mpholo’s review of Ijoloba: The prophecy

Tracey Saunders, Nkgopoleng Moloi Slypskole 2023-11-08

Here is the first round of feedback from the LitNet | STAND theatre review workshop mentors: Tracy Saunders and Nkgopoleng Moloi react to the first version of Jane Mpholo’s theatre review.
