Age and content advisories for Afrikaans books for children: results of a first qualitative and quantitative investigation
2023-04-30"In South Africa, the Films and Publications Act 65 of 1996 (South African Government 1996) provides the framework for controlling films and publications in South Africa. This includes the imposition of age and content advisories for films and television programmes (f-ACAs) by the Film and Publication Board (FPB). ... However, no similar advisories exist for books (b-ACAs), although this is the practice in the United States of America, for example. The aim of this investigation is to determine what Afrikaans speakers think and feel about b-ACAs for books for children."

Ouderdoms- en inhoudsadvies vir Afrikaanse boeke vir kinders: resultate van ’n eerste kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe ondersoek
2023-04-30"Desnieteenstaande dié institusionele raamwerk, is daar steeds geen geïnstitusionaliseerde Suid-Afrikaanse implementering van ouderdoms- en inhoudsadvies vir boeke (b-OIA’s) nie. Dit sou byvoorbeeld advies oor genres, gepastheid van temas vir bepaalde ouderdomsgroepe, inhoudswaarskuwings oor naaktheid, taalgebruik en geweld, en snellerwaarskuwings vir selfdood en gevalle van mishandeling kon insluit."