Marianne Thamm

Suidoosterfees 2024: Speed politics for bewildered South Africans – an interview with Marianne Thamm

Jannike Bergh, Marianne Thamm Suidoosterfees 2024-04-18

"My life is like a Netflix movie … How can I not share this."

“Navigating your way in a world filled with untruths”: Frederik van Zyl Slabbert lecture 2019

Marianne Thamm Opinion 2019-09-18

"Each generation is burdened with, and caught up in, global currents that have a direct bearing on notions of freedom and liberation in their lifetime. Across the world, authoritarian and populist regimes are on the rise – the business of 'organised lying' has become part of the global news cycle."

Interview: Marianne Thamm on Hitler, Verwoerd, Mandela and me

Marianne Thamm, Naomi Meyer Books and writers 2016-09-23

"I am pleased that the country I grew up in no longer exists."
