Rumi’s wine and intoxication metaphors
2025-01-28"By emphasizing the relation between wine/intoxication and love in Sufi poetry, the 15th century Persian Sufi poet Jāmī offers a deep perspective on the poetic function of metaphoric imagery in Sufi poetry."

Rumi se wyn- en bedwelmingsbeeldspraak
2025-01-28"Die onuitspreeklikheidseienskap van die mistieke ervaring en die gevolglike funksie van metafore in mistieke poësie word onder die loep geneem. ’n Kort historiese agtergrond word dan oor die verwantskap tussen wyn/bedwelming en mistieke ekstase wat reeds sedert voor-Christelike tye bestaan, gegee."

Khôra and kaar: a discussion of khôra and an interpretation of Marlene van Niekerk’s poem "Woordverklaring"
2024-01-23"The objective of this article is to investigate the nature of khôra as theoretical framework for the interpretation of the poem. The diverse facets of this complex concept are examined from the perspectives of Neoplatonists, Christian mystics, psychoanalysts, postmodern philosophers, as well as a Christian philosopher. In the light of these findings the poem is subsequently analysed poststructurally by a metaphorical interpretation of kaar as khôra."

Khôra en kaar: ’n bespreking van khôra en interpretasie van Marlene van Niekerk se gedig "Woordverklaring"
2024-01-23"Wat aanleiding gegee het tot hierdie artikel, is die basiese semantiese ooreenkoms tussen die woord kaar soos dit uit Marlene van Niekerk (2013:20) se gedig 'Woordverklaring' blyk, en die platoniese begrip khôra, synde 'houer'. As komplekse filosofiese begrip, word khôra egter ook met ’n hele spektrum ander betekenisse verbind."

Erotic poetry and Sufism in Rumi’s works
2023-05-26"Homoerotic imagery, so prevalent in medieval Sufi poetry, was therefore a natural development in a society influenced by an implicit concept of male masculinity as the normative ideal."

Erotiese digkuns en Soefisme in Rumi se werke
2023-05-26"Die heersende sosiale en kulturele omstandighede van daardie era word verhelder en daar word aangetoon waarom dit in die lig hiervan begryplik is dat Rumi homoërotiese metafore benut het om sy liefde teenoor God uit te druk."

A discussion of certain theistic mystical characteristics with reference to selected poems from Jerusalem tot Johannesburg by I.L. de Villiers
2022-11-24"The conclusion is reached that although no ecstatic mystical encounter is described, these poems deal with man’s intense awareness of God, his effort to comprehend the divine, and his realisation of the brokenness of this worldly existence."

’n Bespreking van sekere teïsties-mistieke kenmerke na aanleiding van uitgesoekte gedigte uit Jerusalem tot Johannesburg deur I.L. de Villiers
2022-11-24"Daar word tot die slotsom gekom dat De Villiers ’n onprotestantse aanvoeling vir die mistieke gehad het, en eie aan mistici ’n afkeer van dogma ervaar het."

The conceptual Sufi world of Rumi with reference to his poem "The reed flute song"
2022-06-29"The aim of this article is to give the reader a glimpse into the world of the popular 13th century Persian poet, Sufi mystic and dervish (Sufi prayer dancer), Jalāl al-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, known for incorporating mysticism, music and dance into his religious practice."

Die Soefi-denkwêreld van Rumi na aanleiding van sy gedig "Die rietfluitlied"
2022-06-29"Hierdie artikel het ten doel om vir die leser iets van die denkwêreld van die gewilde 13de-eeuse Persiese digter en Soefi-mistikus, Jalāl al-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, te bied. Deur ’n ontleding en interpretasie van die 18 aanvangsreëls uit sy monumentale werk, die Mathnawí, word sekere kardinale Soefi-leerstellings blootgelê en bespreek."

Mysticism as manifested in “Christ of the burnt men” by Sheila Cussons
2021-12-13"The conclusion is reached that this poem is indeed an excellent example of mystical poetry in which Cussons does not only succeed in expressing her experience evocatively and poignantly, but also in moving the reader to participate in her divine encounter."

Die mistieke soos dit neerslag vind in "Christ of the burnt men" van Sheila Cussons
2021-12-13"Die bevinding is dat 'Christ of the burnt men' ’n uitmuntende voorbeeld van ’n mistieke gedig is waarin Cussons nie alleen daarin slaag om haar belewenis aangrypend uit te beeld nie, maar ook die leser mee te voer om self deel aan haar goddelike ervaring te kan hê."