Anneke Rautenbach

Anneke Rautenbach is a staff writer at the Cape Town Partnership, where she writes about urbanism and the creative industries in Cape Town. She is also a regular contributor to the community newspaper, MOLO. Her literary criticism and reviews have been published on LitNet, SLiPnet, Beeld and Africa in Words, and her honours dissertation, "'Every Technique Known to Prose': The Aesthetics of True-Crime in Contemporary South Africa" was published in Current Writing. She is also a co-founder of and contributor to the literary magazine, Prufrock, which publishes fiction, poetry and non-fiction. 

Literary Trials: Janet Malcolm, Narrative Journalism and the Courtroom in South Africa and the United States

Anneke Rautenbach 2014-08-07 Writing South Africa Now: Twenty Years On is a graduate conference on South African literature that took place at the University of York, UK, in June 2014. Read Anneke Rautenbach's abridged paper, Literary Trials: Janet Malcolm, Narrative Journalism and the Courtroom in South Africa and the United States.

Crime fiction in South Africa: the history, the hype and the “genre snob” debate

Anneke Rautenbach 2013-04-02 "To return to the “genre snob” debate, and the contention that crime fiction acts in post-apartheid South Africa as the new 'political novel': there are obvious problems with this blunt categorisation – genres are frequently blurred ..."