Green urbanism in derelict South African settlements: investigating green fabrics and green networks
2023-03-28"The article aims to investigate the daily challenges these settlements encounter in determining whether green fabrics and green networks could be implemented in derelict SA settlements, as a possible solution to intercept the continuous degradation of the natural environment, and ultimately improve the residents’ quality of life."
Groen urbanisme in agtergeblewe Suid-Afrikaanse nedersettings: ’n ondersoek na groen boublokke en groen netwerke
2023-03-28"Inwoners behoort dus as deel van ’n multidissiplinêre benadering betrek te word by besluitneming- en ontwikkelingsprosesse omdat hul inheemse kennis onder andere kan bydra tot die volhoubaarheid van die voorgestelde oplossings."
Homes as multidimensional assets: the role of informal backyard rentals in South Africa from a planning perspective
2020-10-27"Given recent insights into the social value of informal backyard rentals, the article primarily investigates the financial and economic values and secondarily the social values of informal backyard renting in a case study in Bridgton and Bongolethu, Oudtshoorn."
Wonings as multidimensionele bates: die rol van informele agterplaasverhuring vanuit ’n beplanningsperspektief
2020-10-27"Wat beplanning betref, is dit noodsaaklik dat die informele-agterplaasverhuring-sektor as ’n prioriteit beskou word in stadsbeplanningskemas, ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke en ander infrastruktuur-meesterplanne. So kan beperkende stelsels en regulasies, soos sonering, heroorweeg word om voorsiening te maak vir gemengde gebruike, tweede wooneenhede en hoër digthede."