Remembering a revolutionary: the legacy of Frank Anthony
2025-01-30"Frank Anthony’s activism was not just a political endeavour; it was a deeply emotional and personal commitment to the pursuit of freedom and justice ... With each word penned in defiance, each poem recited in solidarity, Anthony poured his heart and soul into the struggle, knowing that the price of freedom was steep, but believing fervently in its worth."

The EFF’s moral decline: From anti-corruption crusaders to political opportunists
2025-01-13"The party’s decision to extend financial support to Zuma, coupled with their simultaneous attacks on Ramaphosa, reflects a growing pattern of opportunism that is rooted in political manoeuvring rather than principled leadership."

The Taliban’s new laws: Is this Shariah?
2024-11-07"By stripping people of their individuality and freedom, the Taliban’s interpretation of Shariah robs Afghan men and women of the respect and agency they are afforded in Islam. True Shariah fosters an environment of moral integrity, where both men and women are encouraged to respect, support, and uplift each other – values that stand in stark contrast to the Taliban’s narrow, authoritarian vision."

Whitewashing history: Flawed exhibition on forced removals
2024-10-03"The map of Die Vlakte, another critical component of the exhibition, fails to represent the entire area accurately. Instead of depicting the full extent of Die Vlakte, the map includes only a few streets, while prominently featuring the predominantly white areas of the town."

In memoriam: Walter Parry, academic icon and pioneer
2024-08-13"In honouring Walter Parry, we acknowledge the profound challenges he faced and the remarkable strength with which he met them. His story is one of resilience, excellence and unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. As we reflect on his contributions, we salute him as a great physicist and a beacon of intellectual achievement."

In memoriam: Victor Honey
2024-05-20"His journey from a dedicated church member to a prominent anti-apartheid activist in Stellenbosch exemplifies the transformative power of faith in inspiring individuals to stand up against injustice and fight for a better, more equitable society."

In memoriam: Donavan Wanza
2023-12-20"As we remember Donavan, we should also not forget Moeder for her struggles and the love she showed to her courageous son, who selflessly gave his life for justice and freedom."

In memoriam: Ronald Carolissen
2023-09-07"Meet Ronald Carolissen, born and raised in Stellenbosch. He dedicated his life to fighting against the oppressive apartheid regime, and he paid the ultimate price when he was shot in cold blood by the apartheid regime."

Memories and reflections of Egypt
2023-03-09"Before I left, I read a bit about Egypt, but not very intensely. Maybe, I think, that is the better way to do the tourist thing. Observe what there is to offer, and come back and symbolically make sense of it or offer real meaning to it. Egypt offers a one-of-a-kind experience. I think it is better to have a holiday when there are fewer expectations about what will play out and about the places you will visit."

The ambiguity of the name Luckhoff: my thoughts at the Race and Transformation in Higher Education Conference at Stellenbosch University
2022-11-25"While I was sitting in one of the conference sessions, I recalled a discussion we’d had in school 35 years before. It was about the name of the school which I matriculated from. The issue was, who is this person whom Luckhoff, our school, was named after?"